Hair Transplant Dubai: Can onion juice help you in fighting hair loss?

Strong, long hair volume is a dream of every individual. Everyone wants healthy hair as it increases your beauty. But different factors affect our hair and cause hair thinning and hair loss. These factors are pollution, our unhealthy lifestyle, age, depression, etc. people want to get rid of these hair issues, but on the other hand, they don’t want expensive or surgical treatment. If you don’t want to go for long procedures and need a super easy and effective solution, then there is one thing in your kitchen that help you out. And that is onion juice. You might be thinking about how it is possible or how to use onion juice for hair, but surely it’s an easy and effective remedy for hair loss and thinning.

The use of onion juice for hair development has not been explored a lot, yet a review published in the journal of dermatology shows that onion juice could help hair regrowth. A review affected individuals experiencing alopecia, and subsequent to applying onion juice two times per week, hair development began in members following fourteen days. The proportion of those individuals was 74%, and following a month, it expanded to 87%. Onion is quite often present in your kitchen and is a regular use ingredients. However, people don’t know about its advantages.

Reason to use onion hair

Onion juice is useful and there are many reasons to use it. Onion juice helps in:

  • Fast development of hair by helping various chemicals.
  • Expanding hair development by animating dormant hair follicles.
  • Delaying turning gray of hair by keeping hairs from natural damages.
  • Healthy growth of hair by guarding them from contaminations.

How onion juice helps in battling hair loss

There are a lot of things that help onion juice against hair loss. Onion has sulfur in it which a human need to produce enzymes for the body. It is present in components of hair called keratin. Sulfur provide nourishment to hair and help in hair growth. Infections cause hair loss and onion have an ability to fight against the infection in scalp. There are some anti-oxidants present in onion which destroy the hair follicles. These follicles cause hair loss so onion work against them. Using onion juice will surely protect your scalp from more damages.

Onion juice is a powerful element enriched with folic acid, sulfur, vitamin C, etc., which helps reduce hair thinning and boost your growth. It also fights against infections and premature hair greying. It is also beneficial for removing dandruff and giving volume to your hair.

Onion juice: magic for hair

As environmental changes are going on, balding issues are continuously growing. Poor eating routine, stress etc., are likewise reasons for hair loss and balding. For tackling hair issues there are a lot of treatments, for example, the hair transplant Dubai treatment, however individuals would rather not seek long techniques or treatment. In the event that you are considering how to use onion juice for hair, read about its advantages similar to the best cure in your kitchen and boost hair growth and support hair development. So get the magical treatment for your hair and help them grow.